Dan Brooks coaching

Strength, movement and rehabilitation specialist

The Harsh Reality

In the eyes of the traditional medical system those with chronic injuries are not a priority.The NHS simply does not have the time to care for your physical health. Leaving you with private physiotherapy, chiropractors and under qualified personal trainers.Most physiotherapists will give you a handful of exercises (that you won't do) and tell you to come back in 4 weeks. Chiropractors will click your joints (giving you relief for 2 days) then get you to come back the next week. Your average personal trainer will put you through a workout that is suitable for them, not you.That's not to say that each of them don't have their merits, but they also have major gaps in their treatment plan.My approach? Find out your limitations and the causes, consult with you to come up with the best plan together then support you every step of the way.No more boring exercises from home on your own and no more temporary relief. Instead, a legitimate hope that you can return to full function and an action plan suited to you, the person.


1-2-1 training

Offering bespoke training solutions specialising in helping people get in great shape in spite of their niggles while addressing the causes of those injuries.


Joint Pain Programme

Fed up of that crunchy shoulder or that knee that gives way? This small group programme is aimed at those who just want to get back to living their life without fear.


Online coaching

Need some assistance without the need for in person coaching? Fill out a contact form below for a free consultation
